10 Best NFT Stocks to Buy in 2023

If you have been remotely following the investment world recently, you are well aware that NFTs have taken the world by storm.

There are now quite a few stocks making use of this technology, opening up a new realm of possibilities for investors. If you are ready to add to your portfolio, you will want to know about some of the top NFT stocks that have potential. 

This is why we have scoured the market to find the top ten NFT stocks that may be worth your time to look into. 

What Are the BEST NFT Stocks to Invest In?

NFT stocks are relatively new on the investment horizon, the following should give you a solid starting point on which to base your decision. 

1. Coinbase

Coinbase is one of the top crypto trading and investing platforms in the world. They have made it easy for anyone to buy, sell, and exchange various cryptocurrencies.

In reality, Coinbase has successfully made buying crypto as easy, if not easier than buying a stock.

After riding the NFT wave throughout 2021, Coinbase jumped on the bandwagon by creating an actual NFT marketplace. This is how people worldwide can buy and trade NFTs.

With Coinbase offering services around all aspects of the crypto and NFT community, this may be a stock worth watching in the near and long term.

With the market for NFTs continuing to boom, this is seen as a way for Coinbase to increase its revenue base, which bodes well for its investors in the coming years.

2. Twitter

Twitter has recently expressed a whole-hearted desire to embrace the NFT movement. In fact, its CEO Jack Dorsey created an NFT out of his first tweet and sold it for nearly $3 million, on March 22, 2021.

It is already possible for individuals to now sell tweets that have been turned into NFTs, so this is almost certain to add to Twitter’s bottom line in the coming years. 

This does not appear to be some passing fad. The fact that a major company like Twitter has jumped on board with NFTs demonstrates its staying power.

It is turning the company into the type of environmentally-friendly organization that investors today are looking for.

To further solidify the company’s spot in the NFT space, Twitter announced that they are incorporating NFT verification into their platform.

This means that users of Twitter are able to connect their web3 wallet to their profile in order to display any NFT they own, as well as verify that the digital assets displayed are indeed owned by the user operating the profile.

The fact that Twitter moved so quickly to begin associating NFTs with its brand is a huge signifier that Twitter may have the potential to be a solid NFT stock worth looking into.

3. Nike

Nike is another major company to look out for on the NFT front. They have long been the world leader in terms of sneakers and other apparel that retain their value and that people love to collect. 

Now, Nike has received a patent that allows them to make NFTs out of many of its iconic shoes and designs. These digital assets will be available for sale in their store which they are building across multiple metaverses

You could say that Nike is leading the race to create and offer their products and services to customers in both the real world and the virtual world.

This is attracting countless customers and investors who already believe in the long-term value of NFTs and Nike as a brand in general, so this may be an NFT stock that is worthwhile to own moving forward. 

4. Microsoft

Microsoft has recently started to reward players with a certain number of NFTs that they can use inside Minecraft. Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world, meaning this opens up the world of NFTs to an entirely new customer base. 

The incorporation of NFTs in gaming incentivizes players to access different parts of the game and expand their playing horizons. This can be extended to other games in the future as well.

Moreover, Microsoft announced that they are building out several of their platforms to be available to use virtually, from anywhere in the world, inside the metaverse.

This means that people around the world will be able to have meetings, present PowerPoint, and operate a business in a virtual environment, from any location in the world.

In my opinion, I believe the potential for this NFT stock is high. 

5. Meta

The new face of Facebook is about to take the NFT world by storm as well. After announcing in 2021 that it will be rebranding as the Meta Platform, this company will likely define what it means to be virtual in the coming years. 

This change of name doesn’t change Facebook’s (Meta’s) mission—to connect people all around the world, but it does position Meta to capitalize on the emerging trend towards NFTs and the virtual realm known as the metaverse. 

If you thought that Facebook couldn’t grow any bigger, you thought wrong. With Meta making such innovative and bold moves in this space, there’s no doubt in my mind that Meta will be one of the top NFT-related stocks to invest in for years to come.

6. NBA Top Shot

As one of the most iconic professional sports leagues globally, the NBA has quite a bit of history to celebrate.

To create its own version of a collectible digital commodity, the NBA collaborated with Canadian-based Dapper Labs, creators of the NFT CryptoKitties game, to create NBA Top Shot.

NBA Top Shot is a crypto-collectible that customers may buy as an NFT collectible. Recently, the Top Shot brand has begun trading various NFTs containing moments from its 75-year history.

At the time of writing this article, NBA Top Shot has a market cap of more than $700 million. The results have been astounding, to the tune of a nearly 70% increase in trading volume in 2021  alone.

Although the NBA is not a publicly-traded stock, you can still invest in NBA Top Shot by purchasing their NFTs. 

7. Visa

Visa has also started investing heavily in NFTs. Just recently, the company bought a digital NFT avatar known as a CryptoPunk. This demonstrates the company’s belief that NFTs have value in the future of society. 

By jumping in now, Visa may be well-positioned to take advantage of future trades and transactions that are made with NFTs. There are several thousand avatars alone that Visa could add to its portfolio in the near future.

Think about it for a second. The fact that a well-known financial institution has bought its own NFT is a statement in itself.

Visa may as well have said, “Hey, we’re Visa. We are an open-minded and innovative financial institution that’s willing to adapt to current cultural movements that we often experience as a society.”

Point is, companies that are willing to change with the times, are generally the companies that stay in business and do it successfully. Visa is no exception to this adapt-or-die business model.

8. DraftKings

Starting with fantasy sports and quickly evolving into an online sports betting platform, DraftKings is now becoming an online marketplace where investors can buy and sell NFTs of famous athletes. 

This is huge. They began with several Tom Brady NFTs and plan to add to that portfolio as time progresses. Their stock prices have gone nowhere but up since this announcement. 

What DraftKings seems to be aiming to do is create a brand that allows fans to invest in their favorite sports players and teams on a large scale.

This is a very smart move if you really think about it, considering the love for sports that we have as a society.

DraftKings is a company that always seems to be at the forefront of innovation. Likely due to its co-founders, Matt Kalish and serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk.

Knowing that I’d say DraftKings is a good company to consider investing in.

9. Funko Inc

Funko Inc. is an American manufacturer of licensed and limited edition pop culture collectibles, primarily known for its licensed vinyl figurines and bobbleheads.

If you are not familiar with Funko Inc., this company specializes in the trading of collectible pop merchandise and is considered a leader in pop culture content. 

That means that they are ideally suited for the NFT marketplace, and they have recently done that in a big-time way with their purchase of TokenWave.

TokenWave is an app that tracks various holdings in NFTs. This makes Funko Inc. a significant player in this world very early, meaning their stock may be worth watching as well.

10. Shopify

Shopify is a global online marketplace where individuals can sell just about anything to anybody on the planet. They recently began allowing merchants on their platform to sell NFTs.

The possibilities are endless with this, as millions of dollars of transactions have already taken place on the Shopify platform. 

This caused a jump in the stock price at the time of that announcement, with future growth being predicted. If there’s one thing Shopify knows how to do, it’s sell products and various goods online.

NFTs are another sector where Shopify can scale its expertise, making the brand a top company you may want to invest in to keep your eyes on.

Final Thoughts

The ten companies just described tend to be popular brand names, and as such, they have helped NFT stocks come to the mainstream in the investment world. 

Consider each one carefully and determine which of them fits in well with your overall investment strategy. The key is to do your research and make informed decisions that hopefully will pay off in the end. Stay curious.

Categories NFT