How to Buy An Unstoppable NFT Domain (In 3 Quick Steps)

With NFT domains becoming more popular and having several use-cases, you might be wondering how to buy an Unstoppable Domain. After buying several of these domains myself, I learned that you can buy an Unstoppable Domain in three quick and easy steps.

How to Buy an Unstoppable Domain

To buy an Unstoppable Domain, follow these three steps below.

1. Search for a domain name

First, go to Unstoppable Domains’ website to search for your domain. You’ll notice that there are numerous domain endings (TLDs) to choose from (.nft, .crypto, .blockchain,.888, .x, etc.). 

To buy an Unstoppable domain, search for your domain on the website.

All the endings provide you with the same functionalities. However, the domain endings can all be utilized differently depending on your goals.

The most premium domain ending according to Unstoppable Domains is “.x”.

However, “.nft” is a popular choice as well. You might also notice that not all the domain endings are available.

That means someone already owns the domain or Unstoppable hasn’t released it yet.

If this is the case, you can scroll down to see suggested domains that are similar to the one you entered, or you can search for another domain completely.

2. Add your domain to your cart and checkout

Once you have confirmed that the domain you want is available and the price is acceptable, you can add your domain to your shopping cart.

Additionally, if you want to add more than one domain to your cart, you can.

Add the Unstoppable Domain to your cart to purchase it.
Add the domain to your cart

If you’re ready to purchase your domain, tap “Continue to Checkout”. This will take you to the payment screen.

Currently, there are four payment methods you can use to buy your Unstoppable Domain.

Unstoppable Domain offers four payment options.
Select your payment method
  • Credit card. If you are paying with your credit card, simply enter your card’s details.
  • PayPal. To pay for your domain using PayPal, sign into your account.
  • Pay. Simply sign into your account to confirm your purchase.
  • Crypto. To pay with crypto, select which crypto you want to use for your payment. Then, copy Unstoppable’s payment address and the payment amount. Next, sign into your wallet and select Send. Finally, paste Unstoppable’s address and exact payment amount into your wallet and confirm the transaction.
To pay for your Unstoppable domain using crypto, paste Unstoppable's address and payment amount into your wallet.
How to pay for your NFT domain with crypto

Note: Unstoppable Domains only accepts BTC, BCH, ETH, DAI, LTC, and USDC cryptocurrencies when using crypto to buy a domain.

3. Mint your Unstoppable Domain

You can buy your Unstoppable domain without connecting your web3 wallet. However, if you want to mint your domain, you’re going to need to connect your wallet.

Connect wallet to Unstoppable Domain.
Connect your web3 wallet

To connect your wallet:

  1. Go to your Account Setting, and choose Add Wallet.
  2. Sign the transaction using your wallet to connect it to the Unstoppable Domains website.

If you don’t have a wallet, I recommend using Metamask Wallet to get started.

That being said, you should learn how to properly store your NFTs for maximum safety before buying an NFT domain. Otherwise, you risk losing your domain to hackers and scammers.

Your domain is not functional until you mint it.

After you purchase your domain, it will appear under the My Domains section of your profile. This is where you will go to officially mint your NFT domain to the blockchain.

Your domain is not functional until you mint it.
Mint your NFT domain

Follow these steps to mint your domain:

  1. Go to My Domains
  2. Click, Free Mint
  3. Enter your 2FA verification code
  4. Connect your wallet
  5. Confirm and sign the transaction

It’s important to note that the minting process can take a few minutes.

You will be notified once the minting process is complete. To check the mint status you can click the Check Status button or go to My Domains, and view the Transaction Status there.

To view more specific details on the blockchain explorer (PolygonScan), tap the “tx_id” under the Transaction Status.

Once your mint is successful, you are now in complete control of your blockchain domain.

After minting your domain you can set up your domain profile, add your cryptocurrency addresses, create your own decentralized website, or try to sell it for a profit.

How Much Does it Cost to Mint an NFT Domain?

Minting an NFT domain on Unstoppable Domains costs between $5 to over $1,000 for the most premium domain names. The shorter the domain is, the more it will cost. As well, the more premium domain endings like “x” and “.nft” generally cost more. Notably, there are no renewal or transaction fees.

Unstoppable achieves no transaction fees by enabling you to mint your domain on Polygon.

Also, considering Unstoppable Domains are legitimate NFTs, once you purchase it, it’s yours to keep forever.

Can I Sell My Unstoppable Domain?

You can sell your Unstoppable Domain directly on Unstoppable’s website or you can list it for sale on an NFT marketplace like Opensea. Below, I will show you how to sell your NFT using both of these methods.

How to sell your Unstoppable Domain on Unstoppable’s Website

1. Go to My Domains and click Manage on the domain you wish to sell.

To sell your Unstoppable Domain, go to the manage tab.

2. Tap, Sell Domain, then “List for Sale.”

You can list your Unstoppable Domain sale on the Unstoppable website.

3. Enter your email address so potential buyers can contact you. 

Once listed, your email can be removed from your domain but not from the blockchain’s history. Therefore, only use an email you’re okay making publicly known forever. A good option is an Unstoppable email.

4. Check the box underneath to mark your domain as “Listed for sale” on Unstoppable Domains search.

5. Click List for Sale.

Once you list your Unstoppable domain for sale, the “For Sale” tag will appear next to your domain when searched.

Unstoppable Domains recommends listing your domain on secondary NFT marketplaces as well, for maximum exposure and different listing options.

How to sell your Unstoppable Domain on Opensea

1. Visit to sign into your profile.

You can sell your Unstoppable Domain on Opensea  in 4 steps.

2. Choose the Unstoppable domain you wish to list.

Sell your Unstoppable Domain on Opensea easily with this guide.
Choose the Unstoppable domain you want to sell on Opensea

3. Enter the listing price, type of sale (Fixed Price or Timed Auction), and duration.

Easily list your Unstoppable NFT domain on Opensea.

4. Complete Listing.

You can sell your Polygon Unstoppable Domain on Opensea.

Note: If your Unstoppable Domain is minted on Polygon, you will have to switch your wallet’s RPC to the Polygon network. To do this, follow the prompts on the screen and approve the switch using your wallet.

Final Thoughts

Buying an Unstoppable domain can be done in three quick and easy steps. Simply search for your desired domain name, add it to your cart, and then checkout before minting your NFT domain to the blockchain.

Once you mint it to the blockchain, there are a number of things you can do with your Unstoppable domain name.

Categories NFT

2 thoughts on “How to Buy An Unstoppable NFT Domain (In 3 Quick Steps)”

  1. Pingback: Best Gifts for NFT Enthusiasts In 2022 (Curated By NFT Lovers) – Cyber Scrilla
  2. Pingback: Are Unstoppable Domains Safe? (Considerations and Concerns) – Cyber Scrilla

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