How to Sell an NFT on Opensea in Minutes (Step-by-Step Guide)

Opensea is the most popular marketplace for selling NFTs. Whether you already own an NFT or perhaps you want to sell your NFT creation, it’s super simple to do. So, how do you sell an NFT on Opensea?

After selling several of my own items on Opensea, I’ve learned the exact steps you need to take to sell an NFT. Just follow these four steps below.

How to Sell an NFT on Opensea

1. Log in to your Opensea Profile

To sell your NFT, first log into Opensea.

When you go to sell an NFT on Opensea, you must log in to the platform using the wallet that holds the NFT you want to sell. 

If you’ve never logged into Opensea before, don’t worry, your wallet acts as your account.

This means that once you log in, all of the NFTs you hold in your wallet (assuming they are compatible with Opensea) will appear in your Profile.

Note, if you want to learn how to create your own NFT on Opensea and sell it, that is a different process, as you have to make the NFT first.

2. Select the NFT you want to sell

Choose the NFT you want to sell in your Opensea profile
Choose the NFT you want to sell

Go to your profile to view all the NFTs in your wallet. Then, tap the NFT that you want to list on Opensea. On the top right of the item page, click Sell.

3. Choose the type of sale and the price

Choose the price and listing method for your Opensea NFT.
Choose your listing price and the type of sale

Choose your listing price and the type of sale.

You can choose to list your item for a Fixed Price or a Timed Auction

Choose the Fixed Price option if you want to set the exact listing price of your NFT.

Note that even if you list your item for a fixed price, other users can still make offers on your item below the price you listed.

List your NFT as a Timed Auction if you want to sell it to the highest bidder after the time you set has been reached (you can enable a reserve price). Also, you can list it with a declining price (with a set ending price).

Set a duration for the sale by choosing a default duration or setting a custom duration using the calendar.

The minimum amount of time you can list an NFT is 15 minutes and the maximum is 6 months.

Furthermore, you can reserve the item for a specific buyer. To do so, open the More Options section and enter their wallet address into the “Reserve for specific buyer” field.

4. Complete the listing by paying any associated fees

You have to pay a gas fee if it's your first time selling on Opensea.
Pay any fees to approve the listing

If it is your first time selling on Opensea, you will need to pay a gas fee to allow Seaport to interact with your item (or all items in the collection, if the collection supports it).

This has to be done once per collection. These fees range anywhere from $5 to over $100.

You will be required to sign and approve the transaction using your wallet and the fee will be deducted from your wallet upon approval. Once approved, your NFT will be listed for sale.

Note that If you want to cancel the listing, you will have to pay a gas fee. However, if you just want to lower the price, you don’t have to pay. To avoid paying a cancelation fee, you can let the listing expire.

How Much Does it Cost to Sell an NFT on Opensea?

The cost to sell an NFT on Opensea varies. If it’s your first time listing an item, you will need to pay a gas fee to allow Seaport to interact with your item. This fee is dependent upon the current blockchain fees (if selling an Ethereum NFT). Additionally, Opensea takes 2.5% of every sale.

Also, if you are listing an NFT from your own collection (a new collection that you haven’t sold before), you will have to pay a has fee to allow Seaport to interact with your collection.

Can You Sell NFTs for Free on OpenSea?

If you have previously listed an NFT on the marketplace using the same wallet, you can list your NFT for free. But if it’s your first time selling on Opensea with a particular wallet, you have to pay a first-time gas fee. Also, if you want to cancel your listing, you’ll have to pay a gas fee.

Another option to sell your NFT for free on Opensea is by selling NFTs from blockchains that require you to pay virtually zero gas fees.

Both Polygon and Solana require users to pay minimal transaction fees to use their network. Hence, NFTs sold on these networks are more cost-effective.

How Much Is the Gas Fee on Opensea?

Use a gas tracker to check the current gas fees before selling an NFT on Opensea.
Etherscan Ethereum gas tracker

Opensea does not determine Ethereum gas fees. This fee is determined by the current demand on the blockchain. You can check current Ethereum gas prices by using a gas tracker. To save money on gas fees, try transacting early in the morning or late in the evening when the network isn’t as active.

Can You Sell an NFT on Opensea Mobile?

You can’t sell an NFT on the Opensea mobile app. However, you can log in to Opensea using your mobile device’s web browser to sell your NFT. That said, make sure your crypto wallet is accessible on your mobile device, otherwise, this option won’t work.

I Can’t See My NFTs in My Opensea Account

If you connect your wallet to Opensea and your NFTs don’t appear, there are a few reasons why this might occur.

Your wallet is not properly connected

To ensure your wallet is connected properly, close your browser, clear your cache, and then reconnect it to Opensea.

You’ve connected the wrong wallet

Double-check that the wallet you connected is the wallet that contains the NFTs you’re trying to sell. If you own more than one crypto wallet, chances are you may have connected the wrong one.

Opensea has delisted the item

If an item violates Opensea’s Terms of Service, the item will be delisted from the platform.

That’s not to say that the item doesn’t still exist on the blockchain (it does), it just won’t appear on Opensea. If this is the case, you could try listing your item on another NFT marketplace such as LooksRare.

Opensea doesn’t support the NFTs in your wallet

Opensea only supports Arbitrum, Ethereum, Klaytn, Polygon, Optimism, and Solana NFTs. If your NFT was created on another blockchain that’s not supported by their platform, it won’t appear.


Selling an NFT on Opensea is easy. Simply log in to your Profile, select the NFT you want to sell, decide on a price and listing method, then complete the listing by paying any associated fees.

If you can list an item on eBay, you’ll have no problem listing an item on Opensea.

Categories NFT