Can NFTs Be Stolen? (+ Tips to Keep Your Digital Assets Safe)

Are NFTs A Pyramid Scheme?

NFT pyramid schemes, do they exist?

NFTs are not a pyramid scheme, they are digital assets that can provide real-world value and utility to holders in various ways such as access to events, physical products, contracts, and more.

Categories NFT

What is ApeCoin? A Guide to Bored Ape Yacht Club’s New Token

ApeCoin Bored Ape Yacht Club logo on blue background.

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is known as the most alpha brand in the NFT space. Now the brand has taken things a step further with the launch of ApeCoin, BAYC’s new token. ApeCoin (APE) is BAYC’s token used for culture, gaming, and commerce. ApeCoin serves as a decentralized protocol layer for community-led initiatives that … Read more

Categories NFT

7 Ways the Metaverse is Changing Our Lives

Our world encompassed by the metaverse. Surely, this technology will change our lives.

When the internet was first released to the public in 1991, few people imagined that it would change our world in the way that it has. Everything from how we connect with each other to how we work. Now the metaverse is changing our lives in an even greater way. Seven ways the metaverse will … Read more

5 Ways to Invest in the Metaverse

How to invest in the metaverse.

As the metaverse continues to be developed, many of you might be curious to know how to invest in the future of this shared virtual space. Here are 5 realistic ways that you can invest in the metaverse today. Five ways you can invest in the metaverse are to buy metaverse cryptocurrency, invest in digital … Read more