Everything You Need to Know About NFT Horse Racing with Zed Run

Everything You Need to Know About NFT Horse Racing with Zed Run

Real-life horse racing was one of the most popular ways to make extra money. But its virtual counterpart, ZED Run, has started gaining more traction than traditional horse racing. However, there are also risks and rewards associated with NFT horse racing, as with real-life horse racing.  What is NFT horse racing? NFT horse racing is … Read more

Categories NFT

What Is Decentraland? | A Beginner’s Guide

With Facebook’s entry into the metaverse, many of us have been wondering what the metaverse is all about. Once you look around a little more, you’ll likely come across different metaverse worlds such as Decentraland. After exploring Decentraland myself, I thought it would be a good idea to explain what exactly Decentraland is. What Is … Read more

How To Generate Income With NFTs

Many people are beginning to grasp the real potential that NFTs have to generate income and earn a livable wage. With that being said, how can you use NFTs to make money? To generate an income with NFTs, you can sell your creations and services, invest in other’s NFT projects, work or even create a … Read more

Categories NFT

How NFTs Are Unlocking More Value For Creators

When it comes to unlocking more value for you (the creator), there are a lot of different approaches you can take. One of these approaches involves leveraging the capabilities of NFTs in order to unlock additional value; so how do NFTs unlock more value for creators exactly? NFTs unlock more value for creators by greatly … Read more

Categories NFT

How NFTs Play A Role In Intellectual Property Development.

Generally, when you hear the word intellectual property, you automatically think about your favorite TV shows, video game characters, and even the clothes on your back. But have you ever thought about digital assets such as NFTs? The seemingly sudden explosion of NFTs has many wondering whether or not they are just a fad with … Read more

Categories NFT

How NFTs Are Transforming The Tattoo Industry.

Non-fungible tokens are forever changing the way we transact, collect, and trade various types of assets. Early NFT art projects have already proven to be popular amongst collectors and investors alike and have forever changed the way artists create and sell their artwork. This observation made me wonder, are NFTs transforming the tattoo industry as … Read more

Categories NFT