What Is NFT Alpha and Where to Find It?

Whether you are just getting started in the NFT space, or even if you are a veteran in the game, NFT alpha can provide you with a lot of value. But, what is alpha and where do you find it?

NFT alpha is useful information regarding an NFT project/brand, that is largely unknown by most people. Gaining alpha information about an NFT allows you to make better buying decisions, and is considered to be a head-start in terms of opportunities.

Although alpha is abundant across the NFT community, there are variations of the type of alpha you might find, as well as where you can find it. With that, I am going to show you everything there is to know about alpha in this article.

What is NFT alpha?

NFT alpha is useful Information regarding NFTs that is not known by most people. When you acquire alpha information about an NFT or NFT project, that means you are getting exclusive information before anyone else.

This alpha can include important information such as whitelist opportunities, giveaways, exclusive updates, and more. Arguably, the most important aspect of the term alpha in the NFT space is being first. Why does being first matter? Because you have a greater opportunity to benefit from your newly discovered information.

Having alpha on an NFT project is comparable to insider trading in public stocks, except there’s one major difference; alpha isn’t illegal. In fact, alpha is even paid for in some scenarios. But, more often than not, there are a lot of free resources for finding NFT alpha.

Why is NFT alpha important?

NFT alpha is important because you can use that information to gain an advantage in the NFT market. From gaining access to lower-priced NFTs to getting a headstart on an otherwise seemingly impossible NFT mint, alpha is the knowledge everyone is seeking.

For example, let’s say you got some alpha regarding an NFT project that is about to mint. Now, because of this alpha, you are able to purchase several NFTs at mint price, before they swiftly sell out.

After the NFT sells out, there is only one option for attaining this NFT; the secondary market. Well, let’s pretend that the demand for the NFT you bought is so high on secondary, that the floor price rises above the price you minted your NFTs for. Now, you have the opportunity to sell your NFTs for a profit. Of course, this is just one common example of why NFT alpha might be important to some people.

Other reasons include the value received from being part of a community that shares common interests as you, or receiving information well in advance before anyone else does.

Where to find NFT alpha?

When it comes to finding NFT alpha, there are numerous platforms where you can find it. Below is a list of all the places you can find NFT alpha.

Social media (Twitter, YouTube, etc.)

Social media is one place where you can find a ton of NFT alpha. You can easily find alpha on social media by searching trending hashtags, looking for someone who posts valuable information, and giving them a follow. One of my favorite people to follow for excellent NFT alpha is Gary Vaynerchuk.

Twitter is currently the best social media platform for finding alpha. In fact, Twitter Spaces is one of the best sources for free NFT alpha on the internet. Although, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are other good options for finding alpha.


If you have roamed the NFT space at all, then you know Discord is the king when it comes to NFT alpha. Generally, Discord is where creators and operators of NFT projects will post their alpha first. So, if you are curious to know more about a particular NFT project, make sure you join their Discord. 

You can usually find an NFT project’s Discord on their social media profiles in addition to their website. If you are curious to know more about Discord, check out our comprehensive guide.


Podcasts are a great option for securing some extreme NFT alpha. The reason being is that people who run podcasts are generally very informed, or at the very least invite informed people to speak as guests on their podcast.

Spotify and Apple Podcasts are both great resources for acquiring knowledge. The GaryVee Audio Experience is my personal favorite alpha podcast when it comes to NFTs and Web3.


We can’t forget about real-life events. There are many NFT projects that provide IRL events, along with a ton of alpha. However, to be able to attend such events, you usually have to own an NFT from the project.

Alpha groups

Alpha groups are a great place to find alpha. These are groups that exist solely to provide alpha to their community. An alpha group can almost always be found in Discord, however, you might only be able to find an alpha group on Discord if you are following a member of the group, or group owner on social media.

What is an NFT alpha group?

An NFT alpha group is a concentrated group of community members within the NFT space that share exclusive information about various NFT projects and opportunities. Alpha groups consist of individuals from other alpha groups, meaning you receive alpha about numerous NFT projects.

There are two types of alpha groups:

  • Closed
    A closed alpha group means only people who have been invited or have approved access can join the group. Many alpha groups require you to pay a small fee or even own an NFT to be part of it. Closed groups are generally a smaller tight-knit community, and may focus on very niche topics in the NFT space.
  • Public
    A public alpha group is open to anyone and everyone. These communities can be large in number and generally have alpha on many different NFT projects and events within the NFT space. One example of an alpha group is the VeeFriends Discord.

I suggest joining a public alpha group before you decide to pay, to be part of a private group. Not only will you get the feel for what it’s like to be in one of these groups, but you might find what you are looking for without needing to pay to join a closed group.

Closed groups still have their place though. If you want very specific information and you want it fast, then a closed alpha group might be the better choice for you.

Who are alpha groups for?

An alpha group is for anyone looking to acquire exclusive information regarding a specific NFT project, or the NFT space. Alpha groups are good for people with minimal time but require a lot of knowledge.

Ultimately, an alpha group can be for anyone. Whether you are a novice in the space or even if you consider yourself a veteran, alpha groups provide information in a specified location to give you access to all the knowledge you desire, as quickly as possible.

If you already have some experience in the NFT space, and you know exactly what you want from joining an alpha group, then you might consider joining a closed group. If you are someone who is looking for more general information and changes in the industry, then a public group is a great option for you.

Tips to find the best alpha group for you

There are so many different alpha groups, it can be hard deciding which one to join. I can tell you right now, if you join all of them, you will quickly become overwhelmed. So, how do you find the best alpha group for you and your goals? First, you need to ask yourself some questions.

What kind of information are you seeking?

You will never find the right alpha group if you don’t know what you are looking for. First, find out what you are curious to know more about. Do you want to know more about a specific NFT project? If so, join their Discord and follow them on social media.

Or, are you looking for information regarding new and upcoming NFT projects that haven’t even been minted yet? If that’s the case, you need to find an alpha group that has its eyes and ears to the ground. 

Again, you can find these types of groups by using social media as your filter. Find someone you like who provides you with value, then, find out if they have an alpha group or Discord community.

Here are some additional tips to find the best alpha group:

  • Ask yourself what you expect to gain from an alpha group.
  • Don’t pay for an alpha group if you don’t trust or believe in the source.
  • Spend some time on social media, find people you like, and observe. Do they have reliable information? If so, find out if they have an alpha group.
  • Only choose a few alpha groups to join. Join too many and you can quickly become overwhelmed.
  • Take advantage of free alpha on social media, podcasts, and public Discord groups before joining a closed alpha.

Overall, NFT alpha is sought-after by nearly everyone, and for a good reason. Alpha gives you an advantage in the NFT market and provides you with an opportunity that others likely won’t have. Alpha can be as simple as a project update, or as exclusive as a whitelist opportunity.

Categories NFT

3 thoughts on “What Is NFT Alpha and Where to Find It?”

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