Why Do NFTs Look So Bad?

With the rapid rise of NFT’s popularity and the seemingly endless headlines of poorly illustrated NFTs selling for large sums of money, many of us are left wondering; why do a majority of NFTs look so bad?

Most NFTs look bad because people are following trends. In 2021, NFTs like CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club set the bar low with their aesthetics, but due to their popularity and great success, others were quick to follow in their footsteps.

In this article, we are going to discuss why most NFTs look so horrific, as well as why others have reached an iconic status even with their subpar looks.

Why do most NFTs look bad? 

There is no denying that a large majority of NFTs appear to have been created by a five-year-old, and even then, I might be giving some of these projects more credit than they deserve.

Most NFTs look bad. That's because some of the worst looking NFTs have more than just looks going on for them.
CryptoDickButt, CryptoPunk, mfer, CryptoSkull, Bored Ape Yacht Club, CryptoSharks

Most NFTs you see that look bad are generally the result of minimal effort cash grab projects. Basically, someone hires an artist and a developer to create the art, and code the project. Many NFTs look the same because creators all use similar traits that are seen on popular NFT projects such as Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC).

Now, it’s not fair to just blame the creators of these projects for pumping out such horrendous-looking NFTs. We need to take accountability as consumers, as well. The reason why we see so many poorly produced NFT projects that all look the same is that people actually buy them.

I know, I know. Why in the world would someone spend their hard-earned money on such a low-effort NFT? The answer is simple. Greed. Everyone wants to make a quick buck.

Why would you buy an NFT that looks bad? 

It’s true, thousands of people are buying poorly-produced NFTs on a daily basis. And let’s be honest for a second. Do you really think someone would spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars on an NFT that was likely drawn by a toddler, if all they expected to get out of it was the art? The answer is no.

Many NFTs look bad. Mainly because most creators follow trends.

Most people that buy low-aesthetic NFTs are in it for the money. In other words, they are expecting to receive more from their purchase than just the art itself. It might be money, access, utility, or simply clout.

Everyone is chasing the next best thing. NFTs like BAYC and CryptoPunks are way too expensive for most people, so we are all in a frenzy trying to find the next blue chip. I can tell you right now that the reason many of us want a CryptoPunk, is not for the art.

Rather, we desire the money and the clout that comes with owning and selling an NFT with such a large price tag. I’m not saying that is bad by any means, or that CryptoPunks don’t deserve the price tag they wear. What I am saying is that there is a reason for it all.

There’s a reason that CryptoPunks costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, while other NFT projects that look just as good, or better, are selling for a lot less money. 

With that being said, there is a lot more that goes into an NFT than just the art. NFTs can provide holders with value in various ways, let’s take a look at what sets all these NFTs apart, in an ocean full of all the same jpegs.

NFTs aren’t just about the looks

When it comes to the world of NFTs, we all have our own goals, and of course our own interests. But, at the end of the day, we all desire to own something more than just a poorly drawn piece of art.

Not all NFTs that look bad are actually bad NFTs.
The holders of the one hundred twenty five (125) Hangout Hawk NFTs will be invited to join five (5), Sixty (60) minute virtual hangout Q&A sessions with Gary Vaynerchuk per “year” (i.e.).

We want to own something that provides us value. Now, NFTs can provide holders with value in a variety of ways. Although art is one way, it’s not the only way. NFTs can provide value by offering holders utility, access, clout, collectability, or a mixture of it all.

As a result of this search for value, we see NFTs that look bad, being purchased for thousands of dollars. The real issue, however, stems from a completely new market, and a lack of knowledge and research from the consumers.

At this point, investing in NFTs is borderline gambling, and if you aren’t taking the time to do the proper research about what it is you are buying, then don’t expect anything more than a terribly-designed NFT.

You see, NFTs like Bored Ape Yacht Club, CryptoPunks, and VeeFriends is so much more than a piece of art. The creators behind these NFTs are working hard to build a brand that actually matters and that people will respect over time.

As long as we keep buying low-quality NFTs in hope of riches, we will continue to see low-quality NFTs, that are being created by people with even worse intentions.

Will people keep buying NFTs that look bad?

As time goes on, we can expect people to stop buying NFTs that look bad, right? Wrong.

As long as there is a market for NFTs, people will continue to buy NFTs that don’t look good. However, that doesn’t mean it is not a good investment or that it doesn’t provide value to its’ holders. It means that there is more to NFTs than just their physical appearance.

Many NFTs look the same because of trends.
Ape Gang, Wicked Ape, Big Daddy Ape, Gambling Ape, Great Ape, Bored Ape Picasso Party

If there is one thing that I hope you walk away with after reading this article, it’s that not all NFTs are solely based on their physical appearance. Again, that is why NFTs like BAYC and CryptoPunks have experienced such great success.

They are going above and beyond to make sure their names matter, not just creating poorly-produced art and then moving on after snatching up all the cash. These brands are here to stay, and they mean business.

I wish I could say that was the case for all NFTs that are flooding the market, but that is far from the truth. In fact, 98 percent of NFTs are bad investments. That is why it is so important to always do your own research before you buy an NFT.

Ultimately, the truth remains known. Most NFTs look terrible, and many people will continue to buy these NFTs. However, when it comes to determining whether an NFT is a good buy or not, basing it solely on looks might be the wrong approach. You know what they say; never judge a book by its’ cover.

Instead, take some time to research the NFT, its creator, the brand, and the company as a whole. Sure, it may look rough around the edges, but within, you might just find a pile of gold.

If you aren’t sure of what to look for when trying to find a good NFT, then make sure to read our collector’s buying guide.

Categories NFT