Using a Hardware Wallet With Opensea (How To, Tips, and Risks)

Opensea is the most popular NFT marketplace in the world. So it only makes sense that it’s compatible with numerous crypto wallets. But, can you use a hardware wallet with Opensea?

To use your hardware wallet with Opensea connect it to MetaMask. Once connected, go to Opensea’s website and tap the ‘wallet’ icon to connect your MetaMask wallet. Select your desired wallet account and tap ‘Next and connect’. Finally, agree to Opensea’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

As easy as this is, there is a strict process you must follow to ensure the integrity of your hardware wallet isn’t compromised. That’s why I decided to create this guide.

Here is what you will learn:

To use a hardware wallet on Opensea, you should first:

  • Install the latest version of the Ethereum (ETH) app on your hardware wallet.
  • Enable blind signing on your hardware wallet.
  • Ensure your device is running the latest firmware version.
  • If using MetaMask to connect to Opensea, ensure that MetaMask is updated to version 10.5.2 or preferably the most recent version.

How to Use a Hardware Wallet With Opensea

How to use a hardware wallet with Opensea in 30 seconds

1. Connect your hardware wallet to MetaMask

First, you’ll need to connect your hardware wallet to MetaMask if you want to use your device with Opensea. 

Here is how to connect your hardware wallet to MetaMask:

  1. Sign into your MetaMask wallet
  2. Tap the circle icon in the top right corner of your MetaMask wallet
  3. Select ‘Connect hardware wallet’
  4. Choose the hardware wallet you want to connect (Ledger, Trezor, Lattice, or a QR-based wallet)
  5. Finalize the connection by tapping ‘Confirm’

2. Select your hardware wallet account then click Next and Continue

Your hardware wallet will likely have multiple accounts. Select the account you want to connect to Opensea.

If you have crypto in a specific account that you plan to use to buy an NFT, make sure to choose that account.

After selecting your account, it will be securely connected to your MetaMask wallet. 

You can use the circular account icon to navigate between your hardware wallet and MetaMask accounts.

3. Login to Opensea using your MetaMask wallet

Now that your hardware wallet is connected to MetaMask, simply sign into Opensea using your MetaMask wallet as you would normally.

To sign into Opensea, click the wallet icon on the page and select MetaMask. Finally, confirm that you want to connect your hardware wallet account to Opensea by approving the connection via MetaMask.

You will also need to accept and sign Opensea’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before you can use your wallet. Simply click ‘Accept and sign’ once this message pops up.

Connecting a Hardware Wallet to Opensea via WalletConnect

If you don’t want to connect your hardware wallet to Opensea via MetaMask, you can use WalletConnect.

Here’s a video showing how to connect a Ledger hardware wallet to Opensea using WalletConnect if you prefer a visual.

Here’s how to connect your hardware wallet to Opensea using WalletConnect:

  1. Go to the OpenSea website
  2. Click the ‘wallet’ icon and select WalletConnect
  3. Scan the QR code with your WalletConnect-compatible device or your hardware wallet mobile app where applicable, or choose Ledger if using Ledger Live
  4. Select the ‘Ethereum’ account you want to connect to and click continue
  5. On OpenSea, click the profile icon and select Profile

Note: If using Ledger Live, you need to keep it open to maintain your connection to OpenSea.

How to Buy an NFT on Opensea With Your Hardware Wallet

Once you know how to connect your hardware wallet to Opensea, you’re ready to buy an NFT.

How to use a hardware wallet with Opensea.

Here are the steps to buy an NFT on Opensea using your hardware wallet.

1. Connect your hardware wallet to MetaMask or use WalletConnect

To get started decide how you’ll connect your hardware wallet to Opensea. You can use MetaMask or WalletConnect.

2. Sign in to Opensea

Once your wallet is connected, sign into Opensea by tapping the ‘Wallet’ icon on the top-right corner of the page.

3. Find the NFT you want to buy

Navigate to the NFT you want to buy. Don’t know which NFT to buy or how to choose a good one? Then be sure to check out our NFT buying guide

4. Enable blind signing

You need to enable blind signing on your device to interact with Opensea. Do this at your own risk!

Enabling the blind signing feature on your hardware wallet means your wallet doesn’t comprehend the full details of the transaction you’re signing.

Thus, there is a risk to your wallet as you could unintentionally sign a malicious transaction that could give a scammer access to your hardware wallet and everything on it.

Don’t worry, later on I’m going to give you some tips to protect your hardware wallet when using it with Opensea.

That said, make sure to disable blind signing once you complete your purchase.

5. Approve the transaction on your hardware wallet

Once you initiate the purchase on Opensea a notification will appear on your hardware wallet prompting you to review and approve the transaction.

You will be able to review basic details like the price of the NFT you’re buying, transaction fees, and the seller’s address. But, that’s about it.

If everything checks out with you, approve the transaction on your device to complete your NFT purchase.

And that’s it! You have successfully purchased an NFT using your hardware wallet.

Is Using a Hardware Wallet With Opensea Safe?

Using a hardware wallet on Opensea is the safest way to buy and sell NFTs on the platform. This method enables you to use your hardware wallet to sign transaction approvals while your private key is stored safely offline on your device.

This is more secure than using a software wallet with Opensea.

When using a software wallet like MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet, for example, your wallet’s private key and seed phrase is exposed because it’s stored in the software which is connected to the internet.

That means there’s the potential for a hacker to compromise your wallet via malware installed on your phone or computer.

But, if you use a hardware wallet, there’s no way for a hacker to see your private key or seed phrase because it’s stored offline on your device.

Even if someone tries to gain access, your hardware wallet’s security features—such as the secure chip element—would prevent it.

But, before you go connect your hardware wallet to Opensea hold on a second. There are some risks you should be made aware of first.

If you’re in need of a secure hardware wallet, check out our extensive list of the most secure hardware wallets on the market.

Risks of Using Your Hardware Wallet With Opensea

The greatest risk of using your hardware wallet with Opensea is phishing scams. These scams are one of the only ways someone could access your hardware wallet. How? By tricking you into signing a transaction that gives them control of your device.

Here are the main risks of using your hardware wallet with Opensea.

Phishing scams

Phishing scams are one of the most common scams in the NFT/crypto space, according to Investopedia. Mainly because they can be difficult to spot. Especially considering you have to enable blind signing on your device.

This scam is generally the result of clicking a link that directs you to a fake website or NFT listing. For example, I remember in 2021 scammers would buy URLs that had similar names to popular NFT marketplaces like Opensea.

They took this scam a step further by purchasing Google Adwords to get their phishing page to the top of Google search results. 

That way when you searched for “Opensea” on Google, the first thing to appear would be their fake website which was a replica of the real site.

Then once you connected your wallet—it was game over.

Rug pulls

Unfortunately, hardware wallets don’t prevent rug pull scams. These scams are designed to attract investors, only to shut down after collecting the cash and running away with a nice profit, leaving investors empty-handed.

Currently, the only way to protect yourself against rug pull scams is by avoiding them altogether. Notably, this scam isn’t an attack on your hardware wallet though. 

But, it is a scam that can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of any security measures that might be in place.

Romance scams

There’s nothing sensual about romance scams. This is where a scammer adopts a fake identity to gain your trust and affection.

Generally, these scammers take on the persona of customer support specialists or representatives of popular platforms like MetaMask and Opensea.

Of course, they don’t want to help you. Rather, their goal is to get you to give them your wallet’s recovery seed phrase. 

This is often achieved through a screen-sharing session where they will have you log in to your wallet while sharing your screen.

You’ve got to give these scammers props though. At least they’re working for it.

How to Keep Your Hardware Wallet Safe With Opensea

Tips to keep your hardware wallet safe on Opensea.

Here are my best tips for keeping your hardware wallet safe when using it with Opensea.

Keep your hardware wallet offline when you’re not using it

If you’re not using your hardware wallet. Always disconnect it from Opensea. Also, if you have it connected through your software wallet, I recommended disconnecting it if you’re not using it.

Your hardware wallet’s main line of defense is the fact that it’s offline. Try to keep it that way as often as possible.

Only use your hardware wallet with trusted websites and applications 

In general, Opensea is a trustworthy platform to interact with. However, there are numerous platforms designed solely with malicious intent.

If you aren’t familiar with a platform or there’s very little known about it, do not connect your wallet to it.

Furthermore, always verify the URL you’re visiting is the correct one before connecting your wallet. All it takes is one wrong letter to end up on a fake website that could potentially compromise the security of your device.

Keep your recovery seed phrase secure

Your hardware wallet’s seed phrase is its main line of defense. You should do everything in your power to ensure it remains secure. Here are some quick tips to keep your seed phrase safe:

  • Never share your seed phrase with anyone
  • Don’t store it on your desktop or mobile device
  • Write it down and keep it in a lockbox or preferably a fireproof safe
  • Consider engraving your phrase onto a metal recovery plate

Always verify the transaction details before approving them

Even though you have to enable blind signing, you should still review every transaction you initiate.

Carefully review details such as your wallet address, the sender’s wallet address, the purchase price, and transaction fees before approving the transaction on your hardware wallet. 

Update your hardware wallet’s firmware regularly

Hardware wallets are designed to receive regular updates that improve both their security and functionality. 

By regularly checking for updates and installing them as soon as they become available, you’re ensuring your device is set for success.

Use multiple hardware wallets

In my opinion, the best way to ensure your assets remain safe is by utilizing two hardware wallets: one for transacting and the other solely for storage.

By having two designated devices you significantly reduce the risk of losing your assets.

Your transaction hardware wallet would only ever have funds on it if you plan to make a purchase. Once your purchase is complete, the money is spent and you can transfer your assets to your storage wallet for safekeeping.

Then once you’re ready to sell that asset that’s been kept safely in your storage wallet, you simply transfer it back to your transaction wallet to sell it.

By keeping your transaction wallet empty, you can ensure there’s nothing for scammers to steal even if they do gain access to your device.

And you don’t even need to worry about your storage wallet because if you never connect it to the internet, the likelihood it’d ever be compromised is minimal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which hardware wallets are compatible with Opensea?

Several hardware wallet brands and models are compatible with Opensea including the Ledger Nano S Plus, Ledger Nano X, Ledger Stax, Trezor Model T, Trezor One, Keystone, Keepkey, and others.

Can I use multiple hardware wallets with Opensea?

You can use as many hardware wallets as you want with Opensea. But, you can only have one wallet connected to your profile at a time. If you want to use a different wallet on Opensea, you have to create another Opensea account.

Is it necessary to have a hardware wallet to use Opensea?

You do not need a hardware wallet to use Opensea. A software wallet works just as well. However, if you’re planning to buy and hold NFTs then you should consider getting a hardware wallet to keep them secure.

Can I use a mobile device to connect my hardware wallet to Opensea?

Some hardware wallet brands like Ledger offer a mobile app that enables users to connect their hardware wallet to Opensea using a QR code. However, this isn’t always the case. Other hardware wallets require a desktop device to connect to Opensea.

About Alex Gomez

Alex is a professional writer based in the U.S. focused on the blockchain industry. With years of experience, he contributes to some of the most recognized publications such as Yahoo, ONE37pm, and others. He previously worked for Gary Vaynerchuk as his NFT editor before going all-in on Cyber Scrilla.