Keystone Pro vs. Ledger Nano X: Which Should You Choose?

The Keystone Pro and Ledger Nano X are two highly reputable hardware wallets in the industry, but they vary in terms of price, security, compatibility, and ease of use.

Since I own both of these hardware wallets, I thought providing a detailed comparison would help you determine the most suitable wallet for your requirements.

Here is a quick comparison of the Keystone Pro and Ledger Nano X hardware wallets.

Wallet FeaturesKeystone ProLedger Nano X
Warranty1 year2 years
SecurityPassphrase, SIM updates, 24-word recovery phrasePIN code, consistent firmware updates, 24-word recovery phrase
FeaturesBiometric finger scanner, 100% air-gapped, Shamir backup, Self-destruct mechanismUSB, Bluetooth, Ledger Live
Supported Blockchains200+200+
Compatible Coins5,500+5,500+
Display4-inch touch screenLED 128 x 64 with two buttons
BatteryLithium-ion (1,000 mAh) or AAA Lithium-ion (100mAh)
CertificationsEAL 5+ Secure ElementEAL 5+ Secure Element
Open SourceFirmwareNot open source
Size112mm x 65mm x 18mm72mm x 18.6mm x 11.75mm
Weight115g (without battery)34g
MaterialFiberglassBrushed stainless steel and plastic
CompatibilityDesktop devices, iOS and Android phones64-bit desktop computers: Windows 10 / 11macOS Big Sur / Monterey / Ventura, Ubuntu LTS 20.04 / 22.04 (both excluding ARM Processors), Compatible with smartphones (iOS 14+ or Android 10+)
Manufacture OriginHong Kong, ChinaParis, France
Date Founded2018 (formerly Cabo Vault)2014
Keystone Pro vs. Ledger Nano X video

Keystone Pro vs. Ledger Nano X: Design

There is a lot to compare when it comes to these two popular hardware wallets.

Below I compare my hands-on experience and opinions of both devices’ design, security, support, compatibility, and price.

Keystone Pro design

Keystone Pro vs. Ledger Nano X crypto wallet comparison

The Keystone Pro has a sleek and lightweight design that resembles a smartphone. It features a spacious 4-inch touchscreen that is highly responsive and offers clear visibility.

There is also an option to enable vibrations, which provide tactile confirmation for each tap on the screen. 

Furthermore, the Pro includes a rear camera for scanning QR codes and a biometric fingerprint scanner.

These features not only enhance device accessibility but also provide an additional layer of security for access and transaction verification.

Overall, the Keystone Pro is highly durable due to its fiberglass exterior and lightweight design.

Nano X design

The Ledger Nano X is recognized for its simple USB-like design. It is compact and small in size, featuring only two buttons that serve as the primary navigation for the entire device.

That said, if you struggle with reading small screens and text, the Nano X may not be the most suitable wallet for you.

Nevertheless, the device’s brushed aluminum casing and plastic front contribute to its overall durability.

Although it may not have the most visually appealing or easily readable display, it compensates for being lightweight and discreet.

Keystone Pro vs. Ledger Nano X: Security

Keystone Pro security

Keystone Pro security features

The Keystone Pro is widely regarded as one of the most secure hardware wallets available, boasting an impressive array of security features:

  • 100% air-gapped technology. This ensures isolation from the internet and external networks
  • 24-word recovery backup. Safeguards your wallet in case of loss or damage
  • Shamir backup. Offers additional redundancy and protection
  • Biometric fingerprint scanner. Adds an extra layer of authentication for device access
  • Passphrase protection. Further enhances the security of your wallet
  • Regular firmware updates. Ensure the device remains up-to-date with the latest security enhancements
  • Self-destruct mechanism. Ensures that sensitive data is wiped in case of tampering or unauthorized access
  • EAL5+ Secure Chip Element. Guarantees a high level of security for the device’s cryptographic operations

With these robust security measures in place, the Keystone Pro offers users a high level of confidence in protecting their digital assets.

Despite not having owned my Keystone Pro for as long as my Nano X, I can confidently attest to its ability to securely store my assets due to its strong security measures.

Ledger Nano X security

Ledger Nano X security

For years, the Ledger Nano X has earned a reputation as one of the most secure hardware wallets for storing both cryptocurrency and NFTs.

The Nano X offers a comprehensive set of security features, including:

  • 24-word recovery backup (same as Keystone).
  • EAL5+ Secure Chip Element (same as Keystone).
  • PIN code protection. Prevents unauthorized access
  • Regular firmware updates. Ensure the device stays up-to-date with the latest security enhancements
  • BOLOS custom operating system. Isolates the wallet’s firmware in case a malicious app is installed

With these security features in place, the Nano X prioritizes keeping your digital assets secure.

I’ve used the Ledger Nano X for several years without any security concerns.

It has helped me keep all of my blockchain-based assets safe from online scammers.

However, it’s worth noting that when compared to the Keystone Pro, the Nano X does have a higher vulnerability to potential hacks due to its Bluetooth connectivity and USB port.

Keystone Pro vs. Ledger Nano X: Coin Support

Both the Keystone Pro and the Ledger Nano X support a wide range of coins and blockchain networks making it impractical to list them all here. 

But, you can view the full list of supported coins on Keystone’s and Ledger’s websites.

Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting some of the most popular coins that both of these hardware wallets support.

CoinsKeystone Pro SupportedLedger Nano X Supported

Note that certain coins supported by the Ledger Nano X can only be managed using Ledger Live.

Keystone Pro vs. Ledger Nano X: Compatibility

The Keystone Pro and Ledger Nano X are highly compatible with a variety of software wallets and other devices.

Here is a list of popular software wallets and their compatibility with these hardware wallets.

Software Wallet CompatibilityKeystone ProLedger Nano X
Ether DeltaNoYes

Also, let’s take a look at the device compatibility for both wallets.

Keystone Pro device compatibility

Keystone Pro device compatibility

The Keystone Pro offers extensive compatibility with various devices as long as they can generate a QR code.

Additionally, it is compatible with both iOS and Android mobile devices by downloading the Keystone Hardware Wallet app from the App Store or Google Play.

To update the Pro’s firmware, the only method is to download it onto a micro SD card using your computer and then insert the card into the wallet’s micro SD card slot.

If your computer lacks a micro SD card slot, you will need to get an adapter that is compatible with your computer.

Nano X compatibility

Ledger nano x device compatibility

The Ledger Nano X offers compatibility with a wide range of devices, including desktop computers and mobile devices.

Here are the technical requirements for the Nano X:

For 64-bit desktop computers:

  • Windows 10 / 11
  • macOS Big Sur / Monterey / Ventura
  • Ubuntu LTS 20.04 / 22.04 (excluding ARM processors)
  • It is also compatible with smartphones running iOS 14+ or Android 10+.

Please note that the Nano X is not compatible with Chromebooks and is not suitable for cryptocurrency mining.

Keep in mind that to update the firmware of the Ledger Nano X, you need to connect it to your computer using a USB connection.

Keystone Pro vs. Ledger Nano X: Price

Keystone Pro vs Ledger Nano X pricing

The Keystone Pro costs $169, while the Ledger Nano X is $149. Despite a $20 price difference, the Keystone Pro offers better value with its added features like two batteries, a 4-inch touch screen, and 100% air-gapped functionality. Also, Keystone frequently offers deals to help you save further.

In fact, Keystone has generously provided Cyber Scrilla with our own custom link so we can pass the savings on to you.

Use our link and enter the code “CYBERSCRILLA” at checkout to save 8% on your entire order.

Keystone Pro or Ledger Nano X: Which Wallet Should I Choose?

For optimal security and a large touch screen, choose the Keystone Pro. For a more discreet wallet at a slightly lower price, go with Ledger Nano X. Both are reputable options, but the Keystone Pro provides additional features with minimal added cost, making it a better choice overall.

Personally, I use both wallets. I like to use the Nano X as my transaction wallet since Ledger Live makes managing all my assets super easy.

However, I prefer to store my assets on my Keystone Pro as it is more secure.

If I had to choose just one, I’d go with the Keystone Pro hands down.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main difference between the Keystone Pro and Ledger Nano X?

The Keystone Pro is completely air-gapped and has a large 4-inch touchscreen while the Nano X is not air-gapped and utilizes a small screen with two buttons.

Is Keystone Pro or Ledger Nano X more secure?

The Keystone Pro is more secure with its added features such as the Biometric fingerprint scanner, QR code scanner, and air gap functionality. That said, both devices utilize an EAL5+ secure chip element for optimal security.

Is Keystone Pro or Ledger Nano X easier to use?

The Ledger Nano X is easier to set up thanks to its convenient USB connectivity, whereas Keystone requires more steps to set up. However, both devices are simple to use after the initial setup is complete.

Is Keystone or Ledger a more reputable wallet manufacturer?

Ledger is more reputable because the company has been around longer and has a larger customer base. However, Keystone is up-and-coming and has had minimal customer complaints and their wallets have never been hacked.

About Alex Gomez

Alex is a professional writer based in the U.S. focused on the blockchain industry. With years of experience, he contributes to some of the most recognized publications such as Yahoo, ONE37pm, and others. He previously worked for Gary Vaynerchuk as his NFT editor before going all-in on Cyber Scrilla.

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